How Can Lipo-B Shots Help You?

Although the symptoms of a sluggish liver aren’t alarming on the surface, what’s happening inside this hard-working organ can be quite serious. Your liver has many jobs, including:

When your liver isn’t functioning properly, it impacts multiple systems in your body. Liver diseases like hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis are serious conditions, but they aren’t the most prevalent problem. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease affects more than 100 million Americans and is the most common type of liver disease in kids. 

Keeping your liver healthy can help you avoid symptoms related to slow metabolism, poor detoxification, and inadequate blood sugar regulation.

To give your liver a helping hand, Adrienne O’Connell, DO, here at Laguna Beach Aesthetics, offers Lipo-B shots. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of a sluggish liver, these injections can get you back into balance and feeling better in no time. Here’s what you need to know.

Lipo-B basics

Lipo- (short for lipotropic, meaning the utilization of fat) B shots are not a medication, but rather an all-natural injection of essential amino acids, minerals, and vitamins that support your liver function and your overall health. Our Lipo-B shots contain:

Not only do Lipo-B shots improve your liver function, they boost your general health as well. 

What to expect from Lipo-B shots

Unlike oral supplements that need to travel through your digestive system before they reach their target, Lipo-B shots go directly into your bloodstream and get to your tissues instantly. This delivery system means you get the most benefit from the essential vitamins and minerals without losing any along the way. 

Dr. O’Connell injects the shot into your buttock muscle, but this is not a one-and-done therapy. She typically recommends coming back for weekly shots until you’ve reached your wellness or weight loss goals. 

It may take a week or two before you start to notice a marked difference in how you feel and look, but once the Lipo-B shots kick in, you can expect:

Most of our patients lose 10-25 pounds with the help of Lipo-B shots, but only when they commit to a healthy diet and exercise routine as well. 

If you’re having trouble losing weight, staying focused, and keeping up with your schedule, it could be a sluggish liver, and Lipo-B shots may help. To find out if this treatment is right for you, call our Laguna Beach, California office or book an appointment online with Dr. O’Connell today.

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